endTB Clinical and Programmatic Guide for Patient Management with New TB Drugs


This guide is designed to give guidance to the endTB Project site on the use of new TB drugs bedaquiline and delamanid. It is intended to be a resource for physicians and other health care professionals involved in the endTB project. Every effort possible has been made to ensure that the material presented here is accurate, reliable, and in accord with current standards. However, as new research and experience expand our knowledge, recommendations for care and treatment change.

  • endTB Clinical Trial

Publication: Culture Conversion in Patients Treated with Bedaquiline and/or Delamanid. A Prospective Multicountry Study

Bedaquiline and delamanid offer the possibility of more effective and less toxic treatment for multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB). With this treatment, however, some patients remain at high risk for an unfavorable treatment outcome. The endTB Observational Study is the largest multicountry cohort of patients with rifampin-resistant TB or MDR-TB treated in routine care with delamanid- and/or bedaquiline-containing regimens according to World Health Organization guidance.

Letter to the editor: High prevalence of hepatitis C infection among multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients

In “Integrating HCV testing with HIV programs improves hepatitis C outcomes in people who inject drugs: A cluster-randomized trial”, the authors studied an intervention that integrated HCV testing and education into HIV services across India. In our opinion, many national tuberculosis (TB) programs should also consider integrating HCV testing. TB or the highly resistant variant of the disease, multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB, is generally not considered a risk factor for HBV or HCV infection, except in those who are co-infected with HIV or who are intravenous drug users. Routine, systematic testing for HCV is rare in patients with MDR-TB and is not currently recommended in World Health Organization guidelines for MDR-TB treatment.
  • endTB Observational Study

Publication: Culture Conversion at 6 Months in Patients Receiving Delamanid-containing Regimens for the Treatment of Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis

Delamanid should be effective against highly resistant strains of Mycobacteriumtuberculosis, but uptake has been slow globally. In the endTB (expand new drug markets for TB) Observational Study, which enrolled a large, heterogeneous cohorts of patients receiving delamanid as part of a multidrug regimen, 80% of participants experienced sputum culture conversion within 6 months.
  • endTB Observational Study

Publication: Introducing new and repurposed TB drugs: the endTB experience

In 2015, the initiative Expand New Drug Markets for TB (endTB) began, with the objective of reducing barriers to access to the new and repurposed TB drugs. Here we describe the major implementation challenges encountered in 17 endTB countries. We provide insights on how national TB programmes and other stakeholders can scale-up the programmatic use of new and repurposed TB drugs, while building scientific evidence about their safety and efficacy.

Publication: Culture conversion at six months in patients receiving bedaquiline- and delamanid-containing regimens for the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis

Rifampicin-resistant/multidrug-resistant (RR/MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) strains of M. tuberculosis (TB) are serious public health problem in Kazakhstan. In 2012 and 2013, stringent regulatory authorities approved the first new TB drugs in fifty years, bedaquiline and delamanid, offering hope for more effective and less toxic MDR-TB treatment. The endTB Observational Study is a multi-country study that enrolled patients receiving a bedaquiline- or delamanid-containing regimen for RR/MDR-TB between 01 April 2015 and 30 September 2018.

Publication: Time for a Change: Considering Regimen Changes in Analyses of Observational MDR/RR-TB Treatment Cohort Data

Randomized clinical trials represent the gold standard in therapeutic research. Nevertheless, observational cohorts of patients treated for multidrug-resistant (MDR) or rifampin-resistant (RR) tuberculosis (TB) also play an important role in generating evidence to guide MDR/RR TB care.
  • Other

Publication: The endTB observational study protocol: treatment of MDR-TB with bedaquiline or delamanid containing regimens

At a time when programs were struggling to design effective regimens for the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), the marketing authorization of bedaquiline and delamanid was a critical development in the MDR-TB treatment landscape. However, despite their availability for routine programmatic use, the uptake of these drugs has remained slow; concerns included a lack of evidence on safety and efficacy and the need to protect the new drugs from the development of acquired resistance. As part of the endTB Project, we aimed to address these barriers by generating evidence on safety and efficacy of bedaquiline or delamanid based MDR-TB regimens.
  • endTB Observational Study

Publication: Clinical perspectives on treatment of rifampicin-resistant/ multidrug-resistant TB

Rapid diagnostics, newer drugs, repurposed medications, and shorter regimens have radically altered the landscape for treating rifampicin-resistant TB (RR-TB) and multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB). There are multiple ongoing clinical trials aiming to build a robust evidence base to guide RR/MDR-TB treatment, and both observational studies and programmatic data have contributed to advancing the treatment field.
  • Other
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