Publication: Evaluating newly approved drugs in combination regimens for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis with fluoroquinolone resistance (endTB-Q): study protocol for a multi-country randomized controlled trial

Background: Treatment for fluoroquinolone-resistant multidrug-resistant/rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (pre-XDR TB) often lasts longer than treatment for less resistant strains, yields worse efficacy results, and causes substantial toxicity. The newer anti-tuberculosis drugs, bedaquiline and delamanid, and repurposed drugs clofazimine and linezolid, show great promise for combination in shorter, less-toxic, and effective regimens.

  • endTB-Q Clinical Trial

Publication: Safety and Effectiveness Outcomes From a 14-Country Cohort of Patients With Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Treated Concomitantly With Bedaquiline, Delamanid, and Other Second-Line Drugs

Background: Concomitant use of bedaquiline (Bdq) and delamanid (Dlm) for multi-drug/rifampicin resistant tuberculosis (MDR/RR-TB) has raised concerns about a potentially poor risk-benefit ratio. Yet this combination is an important alternative for patients infected with strains of TB with complex drug resistance profiles or who cannot tolerate other therapies. We assessed safety and treatment outcomes of MDR/RR-TB patients receiving concomitant Bdq and Dlm, along with other second-line anti-TB drugs.

Publication: Evaluating newly approved drugs for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (endTB): study protocol for an adaptive, multi-country randomized controlled trial

Background: Treatment of multidrug- and rifampin-resistant tuberculosis (MDR/RR-TB) is expensive, labour-intensive, and associated with substantial adverse events and poor outcomes. While most MDR/RR-TB patients do not receive treatment, many who do are treated for 18 months or more. A shorter all-oral regimen is currently recommended for only a sub-set of MDR/RR-TB. Its use is only conditionally recommended because of very low-quality evidence underpinning the recommendation.

endTB Clinical and Programmatic Guide for Patient Management with New TB Drugs


This guide is designed to give guidance to the endTB Project site on the use of new TB drugs bedaquiline and delamanid. It is intended to be a resource for physicians and other health care professionals involved in the endTB project. Every effort possible has been made to ensure that the material presented here is accurate, reliable, and in accord with current standards. However, as new research and experience expand our knowledge, recommendations for care and treatment change.

  • endTB Clinical Trial
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