endTB in Bangladesh

Implementer: Interactive Research & Development

Site: National Institute of Chest Disease and Hospital (Dhaka)

Bangladesh is a high TB and MDR-TB burden country; it has one of the highest incidence of TB cases in the world. The national MDR-TB prevalence is estimated at 1.6% among new TB Cases and 29% among previously treated TB cases (WHO Global TB Report 2017). 

The National TB Control Program is supported by a network of NGOs for the implementation of TB control services. Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant TB (PMDT) started in 2008 with one PMDT site. There are now six functional PMDT sites across the country with good geographical coverage. Community-based PMDT has also been practiced since 2012. From 2008 when the program started until end of 2015 more than 4,000 patients have been enrolled in MDR-TB treatment.

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