
Implementer: Interactive Research & Development

Vietnam is listed by the WHO as one of the 30 high-TB burden countries, with an incidence of 133/100,000 in 2016 (WHO Global TB Report). Annually, it is estimated that Vietnam has 13,850 TB deaths, about two times higher than the number of annual deaths caused by traffic accidents, even though the TB treatment coverage is relatively good (81%).

Vietnam is also part of the 30 high MDR-TB burden countries, where more resistant forms of the disease are spreading. In 2016, the estimated MDR/RR-TB rates among new and retreatment TB patients were 4.1% and 26%, respectively. Of an estimated 5,500 incident MDR-TB cases, only 3,084 cases were detected and 2,450 were enrolled into treatment in 2016.

Bedaquiline and shorter treatment regimen were initiated in Vietnam in 2015-2016 at three pilot sites: Hanoi Lung Hospital, Pham Ngoc Thach Hospital, and Can Tho TB & Lung Disease Hospital. IRD is currently working with the Ministry of Health to start treating patients with Delamanid and to include the patients treated with new TB drugs in the Output 1 observational study.

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