
Implementer: Médecins Sans Frontières

Site: Aundh Chest Hospital, Pune

In 2019, 2,4 million Indians were notified with tuberculosis, close to 450 000 Indians died of tuberculosis, and a million ‘missing’ undiagnosed or inadequately diagnosed cases are supposed to be unnotified. 

Additionally, close to 23% of new cases have resistance to any drug and more of 3% of new TB cases are reported to be multidrug-resistant. That means, overall, India contributes to one-fourth of the global burden of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in the word. 

Sources: WHO. Global tuberculosis report. 2019 and Central TB Division, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. Report on national workshop on drug susceptibility testing (DST) guided treatment for drug resistant tuberculosis patients in India, 2014. 

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