endTB in Peru

Implementer: Partners In Health / Socios En Salud

Sites: Sergio E. Bernales National Hospital, Archbishop Loayza National Hospital, National Hospital Hipolito Unanue and María Auxiliadora National Hospital


Yecela Rodríguez (left), a field technician, gives treatment and emotional support to Francisco, a TB patient, at his home in Carabayllo, Peru. (Photo by William Castro Rodríguez / Partners In Health)
Yecela Rodríguez (left), a field technician, gives treatment and emotional support to Francisco, a TB patient, at his home in Carabayllo, Peru. (Photo by William Castro Rodríguez / Partners In Health)


In 2016, there were about than 31,000 notifiable cases of TB with 1645 cases started on MDR-TB treatment. 88 patients with XDR-TB were put on treatment in 2016.

The TB/HIV co-infection prevalence in 2016 was 6%. Approximately, seventy-five percent of MDR-TB cases are in Lima and Callao, where endTB is implemented.

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