PIH and PIH-affiliated clinicians discuss the case of the first patient in Kazakhstan to receive a new treatment regimen that includes Bedaquiline. (Photo by Askar Yedilbayev / Partners In Health)
endTB Observational Study
Principal Investigators
Helena Huerga (Epicentre)
KJ Seung (Partners In Health)
Uzma Khan (Interactive Research & Development)
endTB Clinical Trials
Principal Investigators
Carole Mitnick (Harvard Medical School)
Lorenzo Guglielmetti (Médecins sans Frontières)
Bouke de Jong (Antwerp Institute of Tropical Medicine)
Elisabeth Baudin (Epicentre)
Francis Varaine (Médecins sans Frontières)
Gabriella Ferlazzo (Médecins sans Frontières)
Gustavo Velásquez (Harvard Medical School)
KJ Seung (Partners In Health)
Maryline Bonnet (Epicentre)
Michael Rich (Partners In Health)
Payam Nahid (University of California San Francisco)